Anna Tsartsari (Director) and Shawn Loo (Principal Engineer) proudly represented BE Design’s team at yesterday evening’s preview event for the newly completed retail and leisure park, Rushden Lakes. Organised by owners, The Crown Estate, it was also attended by local dignitaries, representatives from Natural England and the Wildlife Trust, and members of the development’s delivery team.
The park is set within one of Northamptonshire’s finest areas of natural beauty and the celebrations were held around the park’s attractive central boulevard water feature and lakeside boardwalk, using the stores as a backdrop and looking out towards the lake. The hosts created a spectacular atmosphere in a first class location, where the guests were treated to superb food and drink, whilst being entertained by live music, a fashion show (provided by some of the park’s larger retail stores), marshmallow toasting, a cocktail masterclass and souvenir glass painting.
All involved in the park’s delivery were formally thanked and their skills recognised by Jon McCarthy of LXB (Developer), in the successful conversion of the former gravel extraction quarry site into an iconic new generation of retail and leisure park, he also commented:
“Rushden Lakes is a naturally different development, unique retail park”. Jon McCarthy (LXB)
Anna and Shawn would like to thank the organisers, The Crown Estate, for providing a fabulous launch evening and LXB for their exceptional vision and including BE Design in the delivery team for such an exceptional project.
Phase one was successfully delivered in conjunction with local contractors, Winvic Construction Ltd, and Project Managers, Projex Building Solutions, with whom we are very much looking forward to working with again in the delivery of Phase 2’s Multiplex cinema and an additional terrace of retail units.