We’re so pleased to welcome Silvia Meneghini to the BE Design family. Silvia joins us as a principal architect.
After five years working in Italy on some of the country’s biggest sport and recreation centres, Silvia moved to the UK in 2013 and designed for leading firms on various workplace, retail and industrial projects.
Silvia said: “The BE Design family is certainly a happy bunch! Finding a company that can provide the right balance between career growth and personal wellbeing was vital for me and I see this in everything we do. BE Design is a unique, young, and forward-thinking company with a variety of expertise and truly focuses on promoting sustainability and wellbeing. This is also reflected in the atmosphere of the office.
“I look forward to working closely with the sustainability team to be able to incorporate sustainable solutions from project inception. I’ve always been interested in passive heating and colling strategies and am excited to use architecture to share how people interact with each other and the environment.”
Silvia is a great addition to our diverse and talented team of architects and engineers, and we’d like to extend her a very warm welcome.