Harworth Estates
Project Details
The Chatterley Valley development is 4 miles northwest of Stoke on Trent just 4 miles from Junction 16 of the M6. Extending to 106 acres the site sits between the A500 and West Coast Mainline, with approval for multiple industrial and logistics units comprising a total of 1.1 million sq ft of floorspace. The enabling works make provision for unit sizes range from 16,000sq ft up to 600,000 sq ft and once fully built out, it is expected that around 1,700 jobs will be provided on-site.
During the initial enabling works phase BE Design have managed the Ground Investigation and earthworks design to take account of historic mine shafts, shallow coal workings and made ground. With 50m fall through the site from end to end the earthwork levels design and achieving a cut/fill balance has been further complicated by the proximity to the railway which has required liaison and acceptance of the elements of design by Network Rail. In addition to earthworks BE Design undertook the tender design of drainage and associated attenuation systems, the tender design of the on-site spine road, and designed and obtained technical approval for the new roundabout access into the site.
Project Data:
Site Area: 106ha
Approximate development GIA: 1.1 million sq ft
Length of off-site adopted highway: 350m
Length of on-site private highway: 800m
Project Value – Enabling Works: £25 million
BE Designs Role Summary:
- Lead designer
- Earthworks design & Specification
- Site Levels, cut/fill balance and spatial coordination
- S278 design of a new roundabout to serve the site
- Tender design of private on-site access road
- Production of Flood Risk Assessment
- Tender design of site wide drainage
- Provide Client advice